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2 cool 4 school

Bonjour Beautiful People! I hope that you are all well! It's that time of year again! It's August and school is around the corner, or at least for me anyways. I know some, if not most students have already started school. If you're a college student, you are already accustomed to starting school late August to early September. I am entering my Junior year and I have so many exciting things coming up that I can't wait to share with you all, but for now I will just keep the suspense and mystery alive and start talking about this look!

Surprisingly, when getting readying to go back to school my outfits/looks are the last thing on my mind. I have other priorities like organizing my life, getting my classes together, and mentally preparing for paying tuition. These things are way more important to me than what my first day look will be. After those things are taken care of, I feel more comfortable with taking some time out to see what looks will work with the semester and seasons. August is a tricky month because it is still summer, but most associate this month with fall and the leafs changing and turtle neck sweaters, or maybe thats just mean because I LOVE fall weather!

After I get back to the reality of the hot south, I tend to recycle summer looks and adjust them to particular days. My car is my second closet, but I don't tell anyone that because I don't want others thinking my ability to be prepared fashionably is a secret hoarding addiction. Now that you know my secret, if you ever see my trunk hopefully you won't judge me!

I would definitely wear this look on my first day, God willing that the weather calms down. A classic tee and jeans is alway a great start, but jeans are a heavy fabric, so if you get hot pretty easily, like I do I would say wear something flowy so that you aren't uncomfortable while on your way to class. It doesn't make sense to be mentally and physically under pressure while ultimately trying to get dis money, you know? If you want your first day of school to special, I say go for it! If you want to go all out and stunt on all the haters at school and pull out all the stops you do that, but keeping up appearances like that everyday on top of going to school isn't realistic. You're going to be drained and may stop trying all together and every boss knows you can't let them see you slippin!

So, be smart about it. Plan the days you want to just snatch those edges off the girl in your math class or get that one guy to do a double take as you walk past. And those days that you aren't stunting can be a great mix of relaxed with a hint of savagery. These are just things I've learned about dressing for college the last 2 years. First day is always kinda stressful for me because I'm being bombarded with information its hard for me to focus if I can barley walk to class, but that's just me. We all different, so do what is best for you!

That is all I have for this back to school post! I hope that you enjoyed it! As always thank you so much for reading! Until Next Time!

Earrings; Jcrew

Tee: TopShop

Jeans: Thrifted

Shoes: Vans

Sunnies Forever21

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