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Bob Mob and Pleat Madness!

Howdy Everybody! I hope that your day/night/life is going well and that you're happy and peace with yourself. I thought I would start off this post by greeting you guys in a different way, Its getting rather old, and its sounding rather generic saying the same thing all the time. Change is good, embrace it if you can!

In today's post I am exposing another addiction of mine. Pleats. I love me a good pleat, man. It's like when I see pleated anything I have this knee-jerk reaction, this instinctual impulse to add any type of pleat to my online shopping cart. It's a horrid habit, but if something is calling your name (in a Gollum "my precious" voice) you don't have a choice! Shout to you, if you get my lord of the rings reference and are not judging me for being hella dramatic over some damn fabric!

I just really love pleats, okay? This look hopefully embodies my obsession! While in LA I went shopping at 3rd street promenade,to be honest I was there every other day. Santa Monica is such a beautiful city and it reminds me so much of my town here in Atlanta, so it would only make since that I would be constantly gravitating towards it. While there, I hit up all my faves; Urban, Free people (its a fave from a far cause ya girl can't afford this brand yet) Forever21, Brandy Melville and lastly I went to H&M. I love this store because I can get very chic high-fashion looks without breaking the bank!

While I was in the store there was a sale going on for the fourth of July and I think everything was 50% off or something, don't quote me on that, but I was drawn to the sale and wanted to look around and see if anything would catch my eye. I like to start in the sale section of any store I go to, because I can really get more bang for my buck. While looking around, I was secretly hoping that I would fine another pair of pleated pants that actually fit me. I have a pair pleats that I got from H&M before, but they don't fit well and I wear them all the time around the house. I see them as my very fancy chill pants. So, I wanted to buy them again, but with a better fit. As if God was leading my hand, I turn a corner and I see a pair of pleated pants in the perfect size! And as if the Pleat Gods were shining down on me I see a matching tank!

When I tell you I have never felt so much happiness about items of clothing before in my life! I styled this dynamic duo with some classy gold silk slides from Forever21. One of my life's goals is to shamelessly get away with wearing high chic sleep attire in everyday life. I love being free and comfortable. And as I grow and develop my own style, I notice that I am more drawn to flowy breathable fabrics that allow me to move and be free and live less restrictively.

Wow, this post is way longer than I intended, but hey this is my passion and when passion strikes you move! I hope that you've enjoyed this post! As always thank you so much for reading! I will see you in the next one! Until Next Time!

Top and Bottom: H&M

Slides: Forever21

Earrings: Jcrew

Ring: Jcrew

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