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Summer Ready: Styling Gingham

Hello Everyone! I am back with another How-to-Tuesday! This Tuesday I am showing you how I style Gingham Fabric! A little fun fact about me an my mother is that we share clothes! So, I co-own this dress with my mom! LOL It's kinda funny and awesome that my mom and I have similar taste in clothes and certain fashion trends. We both fell in love with this particular dress from Zara at the same time and it fit us both so well, we gladly used this purchase opportunity to better our own personal wardrobes and our close bond. My mom is always teaching and showing me new tricks and tips when it comes to buying clothes for my size. She reminds me always to "check the sales section first!" "You should try to buy things that actually fit your body and not things that just look good." These two sayings are literally my montra when I shop.

Anyway, In my head when styling this look, I started off with the dress (obviously), but in a perfect world I wanted to wear this dress when it was raining and pair it with a tan trench coat and some cute flats. Funny story, It may look like the sun is totally shinning and all is well, but behind every beautiful image is the heroic tale of a non professional photographer battling the elements to get the perfect shot! Don't let these sunny shots fool you, it was mad cloudy and I was begging for the sun to just shine just once. The sun was only shining on these particular steps, so I just went with it and here we are today! Georgia weather is INSANE!

In a way, I kept with my original vision of styling this dress with some cute flats, but the trench coat could not make its anticipated debut because I was literally sitting in the hot AF sun and I was already sweating my life away, with the addition of the trench I would have melted right then and there! I added some color to this look with my red flats, clutch, and ring.

Against all odds I was able to get some good shots of this Gingham look. I think this fabric screams summer vacation and carefree living. I have been loving posing on stairs lately. I feel like a real model on location when I am photographed on stairs for some strange reason!

And that concludes this Tuesday's How-to! I hope that you enjoyed this look, my little side rants, and explanations. As always thank you so much for reading! I will see you guys this Thursday with another How-to! Until Next time!

Dress: Zara

Clutch: Jcrew

Flats: Topshop

Disclaimer: All the photos have been taken by me and any products that i have shown are not being sponsored

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