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In Spring: Off the Shoulder

Hey everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. Spring is prematurely in the air and I wanted to try a style that I have been seeing a lot lately on my Pinterest page. The style is the the oversized collard shirt worn around the shoulders. At first, I was apprehensive ( Like I am with almost everything) I still have this mental road block in my head that makes me think that I wear certain things because of how I look and what my weight is. I don't know if I will ever get over this road block, but I think I will continue to try.

Essentially, I am a perfectionist or I at least try to be. When I see something I like I want to duplicate it exactly on myself and when I don't see the exact same thing in/on myself I get discouraged and I decide against whatever I thought initially. With this look I decided to through caution to the wide and just go with it! I need to start being the change I want to see.

Usually when I see this look on Pinterest I don't see this shirt being worn by Black Women or Women of Color. I don't know why there is is a absence of color when wearing this particular style blouse, but I don't like that. I think that certain styles should not be seen only one certain skin tones EVERYONE has the right to dress in any particular style they choose. I have noticed that there is a lack of color in the Minimalist style and I have to strong desire to change that. In the near future I would like to start dressing in a more bold and consistent way.

I purchased this collard shirt from the men's section at the thrift store. I feel in love with its color. I had several internal struggle. I would pick it up and then quickly put it down, but I decided that I have to start believing in myself and my personal style and here I am posing

before you. The shirt cost $3.99.

When I mentally styled this look I used the shirt as the center piece and then I invisioned complementary items to go along side this blouse. I thought that my jean culottes from Zara and my auburn suede boots from Urban Outfitters were good essentials that can easily bring together a new look that I am testing out.

My thought process throughout this whole look was less is more. I decided to not wear any make-up because A) I didn't want to, and B) I think it's healthy to not wear makeup and have people see the real me once and a while. I am literally no make-up everyday type of girl anyway, but I wear make-up so that I can boost my confidence up.

I really enjoyed creating this look and I hope that you enjoyed reading my process and rambles. As always thank you so much for reading! Until Next Time!

Blouse: Thrifted

Culottes: Zara

Boots: Urban Outfitters

Shades: Urban Outfitters

Disclaimer: All the photos have been taken by me and any products that i have shown I am not seeking profit from it

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